Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Only these notes survive the evening

Programme for harmonium recital by Professor-Doctor Hjalmar St.John Nyfenfork, held last night in the "Berryman" room at Saint Feasance's Hospital on a date to be established as soon as possible.

1. Blue Skies (Berlin)

2. Lamentations of Jeremiah (Tallis; harmonium setting by H. St.John Nyfenfork)

3. Who's Been Polishing The Sun? (Noel Gay)

Intermission. Tea and cakes served by the ladies of the Arpington-on-Sea Gas Precautions detachment. 15 mins.

4. There ain't no "maybe" in my baby's eyes (Donaldson, Kahn, Egan)

5. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae (Dowland)

6. Toward the Unknown Region (Vaughan Williams; setting of a poem by Walt Whitman)


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